12/12(星期一)第19回领域研讨会“Recent advances in proteomics in bioarchaeology and human evolution studies”顺利召开
第19回 领域研讨会(C01班)“Recent advances in proteomics in bioarchaeology and human evolution studies”
时间: 12月12日 (星期一) 17~18时(日本时间)
演讲者:Takumi Tsutaya, Ph.D.(Assistant Professor at Research Center for Integrative Evolutionary Science, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan)
演讲题目:Recent advances in proteomics in bioarchaeology and human evolution studies
申请链接:第 19 回領域セミナー参加申し込みフォーム(The 19th seminar application form) (google.com)