

古基因组学研讨会 From Ancient Substrates to Genomes (由C02班觉张隆史先生提供信息)
        本会邀请到了最早开发出侧头骨采样技术的都柏林圣三一学院古基因组学研究室的实验室经理Valeria Mattiangeli老师,请她来介绍古基因组学研究的最新采样法和DNA提取法,并与日本的研究者进行技术交流。
 金泽大学 古代文明・文化资源学研究所
 考古科学部门 觉张隆史
Title: From Ancient Substrates to Genomes
Time: Jul 27, 2022 01:30 PM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
Meeting ID: 915 6079 1039  Passcode: 094997
Speaker: Valeria Mattiangeli (Trinity College, Dublin)
Dr. Mattiangeli has a degree in Zoology from the University of Milan and a PhD in Population Genetics from the National University of Ireland, Cork.
She has been working in Trinity College Dublin as a research fellow since 2003 and involved in a variety of projects including the identification of natural selection in the Irish population and bovine genes relevant in TB resistance/susceptibility. About 10 years ago, she started paleogenomics both in humans and domesticates. To date she has processed over 400 human ancient samples and over 200 ancient domesticates plus several unusual ancient substrates. As a senior researcher and a lab manager her central duties consist in updating protocols for ancient DNA, managing all NGS sequencing from our lab (Illumina platform), supervising undergraduate and Ph.D students and skill transfer to new researchers or collaborators.
Please find below some of the most recent her publications:
  • ・Ariano B, Mattiangeli V, Breslin EM, Parkinson EW, McLaughlin TR, Thompson JE, Power RK, Stock JT, Mercieca-Spiteri B, Stoddart S, Malone C, Gopalakrishnan S, Cassidy LM, Bradley DG. Ancient Maltese genomes and the genetic geography of Neolithic Europe. Curr Biol. 2022 Jun 20;32(12)
  • ・Cooke NP, Mattiangeli V, Cassidy LM, Okazaki K, Stokes CA, Onbe S, Hatakeyama S, Machida K, Kasai K, Tomioka N, Matsumoto A, Ito M, Kojima Y, Bradley DG, Gakuhari T, Nakagome S. Ancient genomics reveals tripartite origins of Japanese populations. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 17;7(38)
  • ・Daly KG, Mattiangeli V, Hare AJ, Davoudi H, Fathi H, Doost SB, Amiri S, Khazaeli R, Decruyenaere D, Nokandeh J, Richter T, Darabi H, Mortensen P, Pantos A, Yeomans L, Bangsgaard P, Mashkour M, Zeder MA, Bradley DG. Herded and hunted goat genomes from the dawn of domestication in the Zagros Mountains. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jun 22;118(25)
  • ・Cassidy LM, O’ Maold’in R, Kador T, Lynch A, Jones C, Woodman PC, Murphy E, Ramsey G, Dowd M, Noonan A, Campbell C, Jones ER, Mattiangeli V, Bradley DG. A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society. Nature. 2020 Jun;582(7812)